The Right Voice to Engage Your Listener
The role of the Explainer video narrator is to successfully communicate your message to your listeners. The narrator tells the story of your Explainer, and also the story of your company’s brand. With her easy listening vocals, Christy Harst invites your audience into your Explainer video experience and keeps them engaged the entire time.
In 2015 in an article entitled “You Now Have a Shorter Attention Span than a Goldfish”, TIME Magazine spoke about a study by Microsoft where they found that the average goldfish has an attention span of nine seconds, whereas in this increasingly digitized age, the average browser (of the human variety) has an attention span of eight seconds. In a marketing environment where engagement and retention is everything, the Explainer video is a short (generally around 90 seconds) video or cartoon style animation designed to engage the viewer and retain their attention beyond those first few seconds. With her signature authentic, comfortable, relatable vocal style, Christy Harst is the perfect choice to provide the Explainer video voice over that you need.
With Christy as your narrator, your explainer becomes a personal conversation with your viewer, encouraging them to click for more information, discover more about your products and services, make that call, or any number of outcomes you want to achieve. Take the word of a client of Christy’s, “When I was listening I could totally picture each step you were describing, like you were in front me telling me how to do it.”
Explainer Video Voice Over as a Powerful Tool
While most people won’t take the time to read a blog post, a short Explainer video will be able to grab their attention and can increase your conversion rate by as much as 80%. In addition to Google rating pages with videos over pages without, Explainers are also a practical tool that free up your sales or human resources teams to work on converting the leads they generate. As an educational tool, Explainers break down sometimes complex concepts into more manageable bite-sized pieces. Christy Harst has voiced Explainers for AT&T, Nicorette and various health organizations. She approaches her reads in this medium as if she is having a conversation with another person, helping them to clearly understand something new. Christy engages their attention with the smile and warmth in her smooth, clearly understandable voice, and keeps them focused with an upbeat, enthusiastic delivery.
Different Explainers for Different Markets
There are five main types of Explainer videos. Benefits videos are generally website based and informative about your product and service. “How To” videos are more detailed explanations of specific topics. Testimonial videos are used for establishing credibility and building trust with a client base. Then there are demo videos that get into the details of your products and services, and finally, FAQ videos, which are great time savers since they cover topics that tend to come up often. As a part of your corporate brand, it’s important to trust your Explainer video voice over to an experienced and knowledgeable voice over professional like Christy Harst.
Voice Over as a Main Element of Explainer Videos
No matter what type of Explainer video you are using, the ultimate goal is to deliver your message effectively to your audience. The main means of this communication is through the Explainer video voice over, which needs to make your script come alive for the listener. Christy Harst has the ability to interpret your script in a manner that highlights the most important areas for the viewer.
Graphics need to consider the target audience and should be age appropriate and culturally accessible. With thirteen years of experience as a voice over professional, Christy is quickly able to choose her vocal technique, not only to support your visual content but also to support your brand. With no discernible accent and classic sophistication to her reads, Christy is able to replicate the tone of your brand.
Flexibility, Quality and Expediency
With her ability to cold read a script and grasp the gist, Christy delivers in 30 to 40 minutes what can take other voice over professionals an hour or more. Saving time means saving money and also gives you a finished product that much faster. Her top of the line, in home studio enables Christy to work to your timeline and ensures a superior product in which she has applied her fine attention to detail every step of the way.
Why Use a Voice Over Professional?
Christy is a dedicated professional and your material is her priority. She is easy to work with, takes direction well and prides herself on her ability to deliver the read that you want and that you need. Her professional experience gives her the skills to provide superior audio clarity and volume, pace, tone and inflection, and pronunciation. With an expert and award winning voice over professional like Christy Harst, you get what you pay for. Christy will make sure of it.